Handshake is Georgia Southern University’s career resource management platform that provides essential resources for students and connects students and alumni with employers for jobs and internships. Students and alumni can schedule career coaching appointments, RSVP for events and career fairs, and search for internships, part-time and full-time jobs, from their computer or mobile device. Click below for information on how to use Handshake!
Recent alumni may use your MyGeorgiaSouthern access information to get started on Handshake. Alumni may also access Handshake by clicking the logo below.

For alumni who no longer have or never had MyGeorgiaSouthern access or cannot remember their information, complete this form for further assistance from our team.
Check out these additional helpful resources:
- GS Departments are invited to create an employer account to post on-campus employment with Georgia Southern University’s employer account.
- GS Faculty & Staff may also request a Handshake student account to assist students with their job and internship search activities.
Handshake is your online connection to Georgia Southern students and alumni seeking internships, co-ops and full-time jobs. Create an account on Handshake and connect with Georgia Southern University.
Download the Handshake App