The Office of Career and Professional Development is committed to being a partner to our student veterans. We look forward to helping you prepare for your next steps after Georgia Southern and helping you build on the skills you have already gained through your experiences. Below are some veteran-specific links that will help you get started. If other questions arise, look at our additional resources on our websites or make an appointment with a Career & Internship Advisor by following the button below.

Developing a “Civilian-Friendly” Résumé

To be competitive for jobs and internships outside of the military, you will need to translate your military experiences and skills to civilian terms on your résumé. Regardless of your specific profession in the military, you developed and strengthened marketable skills for a civilian workplace.

Georgia Southern University Resources

Translating Military Skills on Civilian Résumés

This will help you identify your skills which will be helpful in your job search and in developing your resume.

Exploring Civilian Options

Career Assessments

OCPD Resources

  • Take the FOCUS Assessment for free, or other paid assessment, and receive personalized feedback on interest areas, potential majors, and career paths.

Additional External Resources

  • Use career assessment tools to help you when choosing a major or career. Check out MyNextMove for quick and free tools to explore options. 

Research How Your Experience Translates to Civilian Roles

  • Match your military skills and experiences to civilian occupations using the Military-to-Civilian Occupation Translator from CareerOneStop
  • MyNextMove, sponsored by the U.S. Department of Labor, has a tool to help you translate your military assignments into civilian occupations.  
  • Obtain your Verification of Military Experience and Training Document from the DoD Transition Assistance Program. This document lists your military job experience and training history, recommended college credit information, and civilian equivalent job titles.

Job and Internship Search Resources for Veterans

Below are links to veteran-specific job boards.  During your job and internship search process, it’s not a good idea to rely only on job boards, but they can be a good resource when used effectively.  Use them to understand: who is hiring? For what position? Where? While you can still apply to those positions through the job boards, keep in mind that it would still be a good idea to contact the company directly regarding the position and keep networking as an important part of your strategy.

Georgia Southern Resources

  • HandshakeA pathway to career connections. Through this tool you can: Explore job and internship openings, engage in recruiting activities with employers, and develop and track your goals and next steps. You can also identify career-related events, workshops, and fairs and schedule an appointment with a Career & Internship Advisor to discuss your ideas, and develop plans, and strategies related to graduate/professional schools, and employment.
  • Career Shift: an additional job search tool Georgia Southern students and alumni can use for free to help identify potential opportunities worldwide

Additional External Resources

Interested in starting your own business? The Small Business Administration has a page devoted to entrepreneurial vets interested in starting their own businesses. 

Professional Associations and Networking Groups

Joining groups can be beneficial for many reasons including support, networking, resource sharing, learning, and potential job opportunities.  Below are a few groups and networking pages to consider joining. Also, consider looking for groups associated with your branch.

Graduate or Professional School

Graduate School is an opportunity to prepare for a new profession, advance in your current field, or explore advanced learning for self-enhancement. Graduate study requires real commitment and is different in many ways from your undergraduate work. It is focused, shorter, and more intense.

Career Resources

Veterans, Please Go To Career Fairs

Transitioning service members hear the rumor that ‘businesses are looking for you’ far too often. I should have started off …

Contact & Location


Savannah: Student Success Center
Statesboro: Williams Center, 1st Floor
PO Box 8069
Statesboro, GA 30460

Career Service Hours

Monday 8 a.m.-5 p.m.
Tuesday 8 a.m.-5 p.m.
Wednesday 8 a.m.-5 p.m.
Thursday 8 a.m.-5 p.m.
Friday 8 a.m.-5 p.m.

Statesboro Campus
1332 Southern Drive Statesboro, GA 30458 912-478-4636

Armstrong Campus
11935 Abercorn Street Savannah, GA 31419 912-478-4636

Liberty Campus
175 West Memorial Drive Hinesville, GA 31313 912-877-1906